Amy Desmarais is an SEO Analyst living in the Boston, MA area. She was a member of the Board of Directors for the Hypersomnia Foundation from 2017 – 2020, which she became involved with after being diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia in 2015. As a Rising Voices trained speaker, Amy hopes to spread awareness of hypersomnia by sharing her story.
The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit:
Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options:
Kristyn Beecher is a storyteller and news producer from Houston, Texas. She was diagnosed with type 2 narcolepsy without cataplexy at age 24, but...
How do you know if you have an occasional bad night's sleep or an actual sleep disorder? How do you untangle anxiety, depression, and...
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