"Laugh at Me, Not My Narcolepsy" Actor and Writer Anna Marr's Story - Rising Voices Ep. 5

Episode 4 August 15, 2023 00:22:49
"Laugh at Me, Not My Narcolepsy" Actor and Writer Anna Marr's Story - Rising Voices Ep. 5
The Project Sleep Podcast
"Laugh at Me, Not My Narcolepsy" Actor and Writer Anna Marr's Story - Rising Voices Ep. 5

Aug 15 2023 | 00:22:49


Show Notes

Anna Marr is an LA-based actor, writer, and voiceover artist living with type 1 narcolepsy. When not performing or writing comedy, she enjoys consuming odd ice cream flavors, female-driven TV shows, and theme parks. She is a co-founder of Bluelaces Theatre Co., a non-profit that creates interactive, multi-sensory theatre for individuals with developmental differences. Anna was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a senior at Northwestern University. As a Rising Voices writer, she aims to change how the media represents this chronic neurological condition. She developed an award-winning short film about narcolepsy, Walking through Peanut Butter, based on her experiences navigating New York’s comedy scene with narcolepsy. You can learn more at https://project-sleep.com/walking-through-peanut-butter/


The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit: https://project-sleep.com/rising-voices/

Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options: https://project-sleep.com/facts-about-narcolepsy/

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