Anne-Claude Foucault is a Traffic Manager & Operation Partner in a Montreal-based marketing agency, a full-time mother, and a woman who loves physical activity, especially jogging and climbing. She lived with symptoms for 25 years before receiving her diagnosis of type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2018. Now, as a Rising Voices speaker, she hopes to deconstruct the preconceptions and clichés that surround this neurological disorder.
The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit:
Project Sleep's Sleep Helpline:
What’s a sleep apnea test? The latest Apple Watch alerts users of possible sleep apnea. But what kind of doctor do you see to...
In this Narcolepsy Nerd Alert we discuss everything from dating and early stages to long-term partnerships and marriage, with people living with narcolepsy and...
Rachel Miyazaki is a production coordinator and houseplant enthusiast originally from Hawai’i, now living in Seattle. She struggled with sleep disorders since childhood and...